Film & Television

The Lifeboat Series

Each Director was given a choice - "What film would you bring with you if you were stuck on a life boat?"

Rewatching Star Trek

Chronological or by release date? Either way, we're rewatching the Star Trek series to see how each film holds up.

Check Out All My Reviews

John Wick- Ch. 1 – 3

October 3, 2019

Tale as old as time. Revenge. My FAVORITE plot motivation. Yes, it’s my favorite, more than love, more than action, more than feel good… I …

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Night of the Hunter

September 26, 2019

One of my top favorite movies of all time—Night of the Hunter. Directed by Charles Laughton, it is cinematic-ally stunning and mesmerizing to watch. If …

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September 24, 2019

Rocketman is fantastic. To put an exclamation point at the end of that sentence would be redundant. Plain and simple. It’s amazing. I don’t know …

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