Written by Tim Herlihy and Adam Sandler (should be a clue) and directed by Frank Coraci. Set in the Wild West, this is a story about Tommy, played by Adam Sandler, who becomes orphaned and raised by Apache Indians. He gets visited by his biological father (who he thought was dead) who gets kidnapped and now Tommy has to save him. Along the way, he meets five guys who happened to be his half-brothers. Hi-jinx ensue on their quest to raise money to release their dad from the captors. A couple twists and turns, some cool stunts, and less cleavage than I expected. Plenty of Burro poo though…and ointment cream for whatever ails ya.
The Ridiculous 6 has everything you want in an Adam Sandler movie. Silly jokes, physical gags, sarcasm, and complete dedication to the art of wacky comedy. Plus, it’s a Western! All the usual suspects are here plus a few more to keep things interesting. Really, it’s a bunch of friends having a good time making a fun movie. The brothers are: Terry Crews as Chico, Jorge Garcia as Herm, Taylor Lautner as Lil Pete (genius), Rob Schneider as Ramon, and Luke Wilson as Danny. Nick Nolte plays their dad Frank Stockburn and Harvey Keitel plays his old bitter partner Smiley. Ensemble includes Steve Buscemi, Will Forte, Steve Zahn, Jon Lovitz, Whitney Cummings, David Spade, Danny Trejo, Vanilla Ice, Nick Swardson, and more. Super fun and available on Netflix.