03/10/2020: Hey all! It’s been a busy last eight months! I’ve been taking lots of business classes, writing my business plan, and working with a civil engineer who has drawn a preliminary work showing how the facility will sit on the property.
As I work with Corey Wright, from Oregon RAIN, on my pitch deck (the power point presentation used to pitch the idea to investors), my business plan and financial projections are being looked over by my small business lender at US Bank. It’s nerve-wracking; however, regardless of the outcome from the bank, this will be a great source of financial feedback! It never hurts to ask and even though the answer may not be the best case scenario, it’s important to learn how to improve your odds with the information given.
I’ve created a customer exploration survey to get a better idea of the type of entertainment people are interested in as well as where they currently go. It takes a couple of minutes to answer the 7 questions, so if you can, please help me out with your responses! https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/H5X5YQ3
I’ll be designing more surveys to come as well as setting up small productions for fundraising opportunities. Let me know if you are interested in participating by sending me an email at philomathartsandcinema@gmail.com.