Anne Hathaway doesn’t get more raw as an actress than in this film.
Listed as one of the 50 best movies to watch on Netflix per the New York Times, Rachel Getting Married delivers a powerful story about a young woman named Kym, played by Anne Hathaway, who is on a reprieve from rehab to attend her sister’s wedding. Family dysfunction, forgiveness, resentment, and desperation for attention is present here. Anne Hathaway doesn’t get more raw as an actress than in this film. She’s tough, she’s faking it, she’s desperate for attention, acceptance, forgiveness; She’s doing whatever it takes for someone to say, “I forgive you. I see you. I love you.” You can see her mind spinning even when she’s in the background. She’s also the one putting the mirror up to people’s faces as accomplices. She didn’t make the biggest mistake of her life all by herself.
She didn’t make the biggest mistake of her life all by herself.
Rosemarie DeWitt plays her sister Rachel, who is getting married and harbors deep feelings of anger, resentment, and plain invisibility whenever Kym’s around. DeWitt’s interaction with Hathaway is so natural, it feels like they’re sisters in real life. It’s sad really to be so excited and ready for your big day but have someone drop in and steal your thunder. DeWitt doesn’t hide any of these moments and at the same time never lets go of her underlying love for her sister. When it comes to a head, the story sheds light on the big elephant in the room; Causing you to have empathy for Kym but at the same time wishing she would take a chill pill and let Rachel have her day in the sun.
Strong and emotional moments come with Kym and Rachel’s interaction with their father Paul, played by Bill Irwin, who is about as co-dependent as you can be as well as loving, forgiving, and emotional to a fault. He plays the role of their father with a more maternal approach, bringing such extreme highs and emotional lows. Which brings me to Debra Winger and her role as their mother Abby. Abby is more like a distant relative than an active family participant. Granted, she has been divorced from their father since “the incident”; however, it’s clear Abby isn’t close to her daughters like their father Paul. Winger is so good here, it’s sad to watch her lack of interest shrouded in politeness in any scene she’s in. I won’t give anything away but what goes on during the wedding is a turning point for Kym and you’ll find yourself standing right next to her wanting the same answers.
Final Thoughts
Directed by Jonathan Demme, this story is a real and honest look of what sometimes happens in the aftermath of a family tragedy. I wish it wasn’t shot like a home movie because I really don’t like the jarring effect of wobbly camera work. It does make you feel like you’re a voyeur in some ways but for me it took me out of the story a few times. Definitely worth watching if you haven’t seen it already. Watch the trailer below:
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