Season 1 – Available on Cinemax
The Knick is a hospital in New York, year 1900. Created by Jack Amiel and Michael Begler with Steven Soderbergh behind the camera and Clive Owen in front, this series from Cinemax is hard to stop watching. This gripping series follows Dr. John Thackery as he “practices” surgery in pursuit of saving lives and perfecting procedures. It’s gruesome at times as the audience is in the surgical theatre with an up close view of the surgeries; except, living in 2019, you KNOW the prognosis isn’t going to be good but surgeons had to start somewhere. The camera work is almost voyeur like with dim lighting and gritty atmosphere. I’m amazed the human race survived this time period.
I won’t give away any spoilers but I will give you a few tidbits – Dr. Thackery supplements his genius in ways a patient may not, how do I say, prefer? However, he does get the job done one way or another and those around him are eager to go on the ride. Dr. Algernon Edwards, played masterfully by Andre Holland, gets to expose the triumphs and tribulations of being the first (only) black surgeon at The Knick. The racism in this time period is as hard to watch as the actors probably had while performing during filming. Herman Barrow, the Knick’s hospital superintendent, played by a smarmy Jeremy Bobb, will make you cringe at his methods of running a hospital. The beautiful Juliet Rylance plays Cornelia Robertson, the benefactor of The Knick and tough cookie all around until she forgets her place…Eve Hewson plays Nurse Lucy Elkins with such a straight face, it’s hard to know where her weak spot is. We find it of course toward the last few episodes, but not where you think! There are many in the cast who are amazing and shine a light on the injustices of this time period. Do yourself a favor and catch Season 1 on Cinemax, you won’t regret it!
Have you seen The Knick? What did you think? Leave me a comment!